5 great plants for the Charlotte area

Perennials and hardy annuals are the backbone of many great gardens. They require little pampering once they have become established, bloom profusely in their season, the quietly recede to allow the next plants to shine.
Charlotte is a great place to grow flowering plants, but some are better suited for the hot, dry summer than others. By selecting carefully you can give your garden the extra boost of easy care plants that will return and bloom beautifully year after year.
Tall Bearded Iris: For large blooms that can take direct sun and dry conditions, Tall Bearded Iris are a great choice. Also called German Iris, Tall Bearded Iris do not like to have their roots wet and will rot if they sit in moist soil. Once they become established, each individual root will spread, growing into another hearlthy plant. They are great "pass along" plants, easy to divide and replant. When you plant iris, do not plant the rhysome in the ground like a bulb. Plant the rhysome at ground level, with the roots in the soil but the top of the rhysome above the soil. Iris are available in a wide variety of colors, ranging from purple to pink to deep blue.
Ice Plant: This perennial has thick, succulent leaves that store water, enabling the plant to survive drought and come back blooming. After a good rain, the light green plant will bloom profusely with bright pink flowers. This is a great choice to use in planters that are placed in sunny locations. With the occassional watering, the plant will continue to stay green. The plant will survive the winter in Charlotte, then start blooming again when the weather starts to warm up. Provide lots of good drainage as this plant will rot in wet soil.
Perennial Verbena: Some Verbena varieties are annuals while other are perennials, so check the label when you are buying to determine which variety you are purchasing. Perennial Verbena, such as "Homestead", are great plants for quickly covering soil, but can also become a nuisance. Verbena is a ground cover that spreads quickly, blooming profusely in the spring and fall. It will also bloom after a good rain in the summer. The branches root into the ground as the plant spreads, creating new plants. Allow several feet in all directions for growth.
Lavender Provence: This beautiful, fragrant herb is a wonderful addition to your vegetable bed or flower bed. Spreading to a bushy three foot high by four foot wide plant that is covered with blooms starting in early summer. The flowers and the leaves can be dried to use as fragrant wreaths or as ingredients in soaps and cosmetics. This lavender prefers good drainage and amended soil. It benefits from being cut back in winter.
Black and Blue Salvia: This variety of salvia is an annual, but can take Charlotte winters and come back strong. While it is not perennial, it will return year after year and grow larger each year. The leaves are fragrant, and the blooms are a beautiful blue. Plant this annual in well drained soil that is in partial shade, or has shade on the roots. The plants will grow to be around 3 feet tall, and will bloom profusely in the summer.
Try these five plants in your garden. Next week, we'll look at 5 great flowering bushes that do well in Charlotte.
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