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Wednesday 19 August 2009

'Exploding' iPhones

The EU's safety watchdogs are investigating reports that Apple iPods and iPhones are "exploding" in the summer weather.

'Exploding' iPhones prompt safety investigation

The investigation follows reports from Britain, France, Holland and Sweden that some digital music players and mobile phones have spontaneously combusted in the sunshine.

One French teenager claims to have been injured when his girlfriend's iPhone apparently exploded into pieces after starting to "crackle and pop".

The European Commission has asked Apple to share any relevant information and the company is carrying out a full investigation.

200 million iPods and 26 million iPhones have been sold in Europe and Apple claims to have ruled out any widespread safety problem.

An Apple spokesman said: "We are aware of these reports and we are waiting to receive the units from the customers. Until we have the full details, we don't have anything further to add."

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