Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Bid To Find Madeleine Using Social Networking
The missing girl's parents hope the film will eventually reach whoever is close to those responsible for her disappearance and convince them to come forward.
Police have also released new age-enhanced pictures of Madeleine as part of the fresh appeal for information.
And the officers behind the campaign say it will have a serious impact on anyone who may have been involved in the youngster's disappearance.
The 60-second film can be viewed on the website of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop).
The video is available in seven languages and shows two images of Madeleine based on how she might look today, aged six.
Jim Gamble from London-based Ceop told Sky News: "We want to emotionally engage people.
"We want them to understand the real emotion, the stickiness of all of this for people so that they link to it and connect with it.
"Then we want this viral message that we have launched on the internet to reach out through the public to one individual.
"To say to the person that's close to the individual who did this: 'We know you're keeping a secret. You've kept that secret for too long.
"Two and a half years on you need to reflect on why you're keeping it. Turn that negative thing into a positive and do the right thing and come forward'."
Madeleine's father Gerry told Sky News he and wife Kate have never lost hope they will find their daughter alive, after she went missing in Portugal on May 3, 2007.
He said the news that Jaycee Dugard had been reunited with her parents 18 years after her abduction in America at the age of 11 had given them "a lift".
"There was a change in the general perception of the public who maybe thought that Madeleine would never be found or that she may be dead."
Mr McCann said there has been a surge in people saying that perhaps Madeleine too can be found alive.
The couple said they try to block thoughts of how and where their daughter may be being held.
Kate McCann said: "I'm her mum, I think it would be impossible on occasion to not think about how she's being kept."
Mr McCann said the most common question the pair get asked, after how they are, is what people can do to help.
"Today we are asking people, this is a way of helping. Let's rattle the cage of the people who took her. Let's really get that person wrestling with their conscience.
"It's not too late for that person to do the right thing."
Of the new images of how his daughter may look now aged six, Mr McCann said: "That's not how we remember her," adding, "she is not a four-year-old girl anymore."
Bringing Down The Warehouse
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Leah Ignagni: The Other Steve McNair Mistress
The other other woman recalled seeing a woman in a black Cadillac Escalade parked outside his condo 2-3 weeks before his murder. It is not clear who owns it.
However, Leah Ignagni also said the woman followed her and that she later saw the Escalade circling her block or parked outside her apartment 1-2 weeks later.
A 2007 black Escalade was co-registered to Sahel Kazemi and Steve McNair.
This backs up earlier case details that stated Kazemi was suspicious of McNair being involved with someone else. McNair was also married and had children.
Leah Ignagni told police that McNair visited her around 4 a.m. on July 2, just a couple of hours after Kazemi's DUI arrest, and then the former Tennessee Titans star spent the night at Ignagni's apartment before leaving early July 3.
If this is to be believed, Steve McNair went to Leah Ignagni's house after he got Sahel Kazemi out of jail, which may have been the catalyst for her murdering McNair then turning the gun on herself in the grisly murder-suicide.
Another theory was that McNair was about to break things off with Kazemi, who wanted to marry McNair, who was unwilling to end his marriage to wife Mechelle.
As for Leah Ignagni, she's still living in Nashville, just a footnote in a cautionary tale and one of the most tragic stories in a year full of them.
Steve McNair's Girlfriend Sahel Kazemi DUI Video
This is said to be the incident that set of a chain of events resulting in the murder suicide that left NFL star Steve McNair dead.
Leah Ignagni: The Other Steve McNair Mistress
Funny Commercials
ladybug infestation video
The little crawlers -- also called Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle -- are out in force because the Nor’easter forced them, like the rest of us, indoors, according to the state entomologist.
Then, the suns came, and the bugs came out, looking for a place to winter. Miami, anyone?
In the meantime, they are apparently popping up everywhere, especially light-colored houses, the entomologist said. Not that Google and Twitter are scientific tools, but people from all over are posting about swarms and infestations of the bugs, so it seems Connecticut is not the only ladybug-central Tuesday.
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
'Exploding' iPhones
'Exploding' iPhones prompt safety investigation
The investigation follows reports from Britain, France, Holland and Sweden that some digital music players and mobile phones have spontaneously combusted in the sunshine.
One French teenager claims to have been injured when his girlfriend's iPhone apparently exploded into pieces after starting to "crackle and pop".
The European Commission has asked Apple to share any relevant information and the company is carrying out a full investigation.
200 million iPods and 26 million iPhones have been sold in Europe and Apple claims to have ruled out any widespread safety problem.
An Apple spokesman said: "We are aware of these reports and we are waiting to receive the units from the customers. Until we have the full details, we don't have anything further to add."
Thursday, 13 August 2009
PGA Championship TV schedule
The PGA Championship has started and you can watch it today beginning at 2 p.m.
Tiger Woods, with two straight PGA Tour wins heading into today, is the heavy favorite to win his first major of 2009. While he has not been able to capture his 15th major championship this year, he is on a serious roll after winning the Buick Open and Bridgestone Invitational in consecutive weeks.
TNT is first up with TV coverage beginning at 2 p.m. (EDT) and ending at 8 p.m.
Can’t wait for live TV? You can view the PGA Championship live at pga.com from 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and 11 a.m-7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Live coverage of the 2009 PGA Championship schedule for Thursday, August 13:
TNT: 2 p.m.-8 p.m
pga.com: 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m.
PGA Championship TV schedule for this week’s 91st PGA Championship
Thursday and Friday, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. (TNT)
Saturday: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. (TNT), 2 p.m.-7 p.m. (CBS)
Sunday: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. (TNT), 2 p.m.-7 p.m. (CBS
Friday, 7 August 2009
Heidi’s Playboy cover photo ‘real beautiful art’
Though husband Spencer admits it’s ‘not like Picasso art’
Access HollywoodLOS ANGELES - Heidi Pratt revealed her Playboy cover Thursday at the Los Angeles premiere of “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra,” and told Access Hollywood achieving a cover-worthy body was no easy task.
“I worked out very hard for this,” Heidi told Access on the red carpet as husband Spencer Pratt looked on clutching a copy of the men’s magazine.
“I worked by butt off,” she continued. “So if you want to see how I got my Playboy body, you can go to [my Web site].”
Spencer told Access he’s overjoyed to see his wife grace the pages of the magazine.
“It’s an honor,” he said. “I feel like I did something great, like I should get a trophy!”
He might not be getting a trophy for Heidi’s Playboy shoot, but it is an early birthday present of sorts.
“It comes out on [Spencer’s] birthday,” Heidi told Access, “August 14. Happy birthday hubby!”
Heidi also explained that her shoot is a more than just a bunch of sexy photos.”[Playboy] kind of had a vision… and we brought in Matthew Rolston, who is a very well known amazing photographer,” she explained. “So, it’s more art.”
“Beautiful art,” Spencer added. “Not like Picasso art, real beautiful art, you know what I’m saying?”
John Hughes is Remembered by Stars and Collaborators
Known as the "Brat Pack" – a term coined in a 1985 New York magazine feature on the then-rising Hughes and the cast of his coming-of-age comedies – the writer-director-producer's stable of fresh-faced performers included such now-household names as Sean Penn, Steve Carell, Macaulay Culkin, Matthew Broderick, Jon Cryer, Charlie Sheen, Molly Ringwald, John Cusack, Emilio Estevez, Andrew McCarthy, Anthony Michael Hall and Ally Sheedy, among others.
While Pretty in Pink star Ringwald recalled Hughes, 59, as "an important part of my life," and Ferris Bueller himself, Broderick, considered him "my friend," others remember the filmmaker as follows:
• "I was a fan of both his work and a fan of him as a person. The world has lost not only a quintessential filmmaker whose influence will be felt for generations, but a great and decent man." – actor MACAULAY CULKIN
• "John was an amazing mentor to me during the time we were shooting Curly Sue. He had a childlike spirit that connected us instantly and always made me feel loved. He will be missed but his work speaks for itself and will live in his honor." – actor ALISAN PORTER
• "John Hughes's iconic films gave a powerful voice to a generation. He will be missed but never forgotten!" – actor DEMI MOORE
• "I will always cherish the time I spent with John Hughes.I was so grateful for the opportunity to walk around in his shoes and try to see the world through through his brilliant eyes. Sharing his films with my kids over the years I can see the timelessness of his work." actor KEVIN BACON
• "His films helped establish an international notion of ordinary American teenagers, and he was as popular abroad as at home. Once when I was visiting the largest movie theater in Calcutta, I asked if Star Wars had been their most successful American film. No, I was told, it was Baby's Day Out, a Hughes comedy about a baby wandering through a big city, which played for more than a year." – critic ROGER EBERT
• "He was a wonderful man, a genius, a poet. I don't think anyone has come close to him as being the poet of the youth of America in the postwar period. He was to them what Shakespeare was to the Elizabethan Age." – actor-economist BEN STEIN
• ""I asked John how long it took to write Planes, Trains and Automobiles, he said, 'I wrote it over the weekend.' The weekend. That shows you what he was able to do." – actor-writer STEVE MARTIN
• "John always treated me with respect and consideration. He encouraged a real and active collaboration; he was most generous with his insight ... My heart breaks for his family ... I know many people whose lives were touched by John will be saddened today. I know I am." – actor JUDD NELSON
• "He took a tremendous chance on me. Like Orson Welles, he was a boy wonder, a director's director, a writer's writer, a filmmaker's filmmaker. He was one of the giants." – actor-director BILL PAXTON
• "My family and I are deeply saddened and in shock. Our only goal is to support his family and make sure they're fine." – Hughes's attorney JAKE BLOOM
• "He changed my life forever. Nineteen years later, people from all over the world contact me telling me how much Home Alone'meant to them, their families, and their children." – actor DEVIN RATRAY
• "John told me about why he left Hollywood … He was terrified of the impact it was having on his sons; he was scared it was going to cause them to lose perspective on what was important and what happiness meant … Tonight, when I heard the news that John had died, I cried. I cried hard. (And I'm crying again.) I cried for a man who loved his friends, who loved his family, who loved to write and for a man who took the time to make a little girl believe that, if she had something to say, someone would listen." – Hughes's pen-pal ALLISON FIELDS
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
A Minnesota couple's joyous wedding dance
The dance sequence opening the wedding ceremony of Kevin Heinz and Jill Peterson in St. Paul, Minnesota, has been viewed more than 4.75 million times since it went up on the video-sharing site less than a week ago.
In the five-minute video, ushers, bridesmaids and groomsmen shimmy down the aisle to the strains of the Chris Brown song "Forever" -- and the surprise of the guests gathered in the church.
The groom performs a somersault on his way to the altar and his hip-swaying bride receives a standing ovation as she joins him for the exchange of vows.
Peterson and Heinz, interviewed by NBC's Today Show, said the dance was her idea -- and the only guests who were aware of what was going to happen were their parents.
The new bride said she has always "loved dance as a way to express yourself and share joy." "It was something I had always thought about doing," she said of the bridal boogie.
"I'm just glad I didn't hurt myself," Heinz said of his somersault.
The couple said they rehearsed the dance with other members of the wedding party just once before the ceremony, for about an hour and a half.
The video is online at
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Friday, 10 April 2009
Shante Broadus, Snoop Dogg's wife, rumored dead in basement
Shante Broadus, the wife of Snoop Dogg, is the focus of much Internet buzz after it was reported that her dead body is being hidden by the rapper in their home.
On the California Highway Patrol's website on Thursday, April 9, a "possible fatality" was listed, called in by a tipster, reports TMZ.com.
"The Word is that 'Snoop Doggy Dog [sic]' has the dead body of his wife in his basement," reads the report at 3:19 p.m.
The gossip site claims that the report was "so ridiculous that no one at the CHP bothered to forward it to the L.A. County Sheriff's Department."
Fingers crossed that all if well with Mrs. Broadus. Representatives for the rapper could not be reached early Friday.
Snoop Dogg, 37, married his high school sweetheart, Shante Taylor Broadus, in June 1997. Although he filed for divorce seven years later, citing irreconcilable differences, it never went anywhere, and they renewed their wedding vows in January 2008.
More as the story develops ...
Jesikah Maximus is Hot

Jesikah Maximus is Model Hot
“Her name alone is more than enough give a seasoned player that GOOD “tingle”…but (pun intended) her entire physical package can NEVER, EVER be held libel for false advertisement or embellishment of fact. The name “Maximus” is formed from the Latin term for “greatest” or “largest.” Therefore, it is both a proper noun and common noun, both in the ancient, medieval, and modern world. Jesikah Maximus is without question, the Gladiator of the modeling game. Maximum impact… Maximum curves… for Maximum Exposure!” – Jesikah Maximus Myspace page.
Jesikah Maximus Biography
As far as a biography here’s what we know about Jesikah Maximus.
Jesikah Maximus hometown is Orange County, California. She is of Mexican heritage, and has posed for several magazines which include Maxim, Show, Lowrider Girls, and Black Men. Her measurements are 32-24-41 and she stands 5’2” weighing in at 120 lbs.
Jesikah is currently single, but you never know what the future holds.
Her ambitions include being on a billboard in Time Square or Hollywood, as well as receiving a nice role in a movie or sitcom.
Favorite holiday: Mother’s day saying that she is “overwhelmingly grateful to celebrate each year with the most extraordinary woman who has created me to become the woman I am today.”
She is in the process of developing a website Jesikahmaximus.com, and also a Jesikah Maximus brand.
Streaky Campbell fires 65 to lead Masters
Augusta, GA (Sports Network) - Years after being voted by his peers as most likely to break through and win a major, Chad Campbell is still searching for that big victory.
He has collected four wins on the PGA Tour, including the 2003 Tour Championship. That win ranks as his best on tour to this point in his career.
Campbell, who has made the cut at the Masters just twice in five starts, began his round Thursday at Augusta with five straight birdies setting the record for most consecutive birdies to open a round at the Masters.
"Starting the day out with five birdies, I knew I was swinging well and putting it pretty well, so I could be a little bit more aggressive with my irons shots," stated Campbell.
The 34-year-old's birdie run was stopped by a par on the sixth. That was the first of six straight pars Campbell would post. Campbell's par run came to an end after the par-four 11th.
"I had two big saves on 10 and 11," Campbell admitted. "They were par putts of 10 feet or so. That kind of held the round together."
He then started his second birdie run of the day. After a birdie on the par- three 12th, Campbell made it two in a row at the 13th.
Campbell poured in his third straight birdie at the 14th. Campbell sealed the run at 15 with his fourth consecutive birdie. That moved him to minus-nine, where he led by three.
Campbell was also challenging the course record of 63, which Nick Price set in 1986 and Greg Norman matched in 1996.
However, he parred 16, then stumbled to back-to-back bogeys from the 17th. The closing bogeys left him at seven-under 65, but he was still atop the leaderboard.
"I'm a little upset with the way I finished, but I'll go out there Friday and hopefully keep it going," Campbell said. "To be able to be in this situation again, is huge for going into the week. But, this was just the first round so we've got a lot of golf to play."
Campbell easily carded his best career round at Augusta. His previous best was a five-under 67, which he did in 2005 and 2006.
The 65 was by far his lowest opening round in a major. Campbell's best previous start in a major came at the PGA Championship, where he opened with a 69 in 2003 en route to a second-place finish. Prior to this, his best first- round score at Augusta was 71, which he posted in 2006.
Campbell, who shared third place at the Masters that year, has shot lower than 65 16 times on the PGA Tour, including 61s at the Colonial and the Tour Championship.
"I think it does," said Campbell of having the knowledge of what it takes to go low. "Sometimes you get out there and you know you have to keep making birdies and keep playing well."
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Hotel vending machine sells cars, condos
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Britney Spears wanted help
Olivia Newton John Helps Us 'Get Physical'--Organically
Olivia Newton-John and her husband John spoke with Emily about the benefits of drinking Zamu-- "the organic health drink."
A drink that "tastes good," "feels good," and "does good," Zamu is an organic beverage that aims towards promoting a natural sense of well-being, providing anti-aging compounds, and nutrition for healthy hair, skin, and nails. Zamu delivers a uniquely balanced chemistry of naturally occurring nutrients found in organic camu camu, organic açai, organic cacao, organic pineapple, organic mango, organic cinnamon and sangre de drago – pure, Rainforest ingredients at their finest.
Born in Cambridge, England, Olivia Newton-John shot to stardom in 1978 in her co-starring role with John Travolta in Grease. Her U.S. album debut, Let Me Be There produced her first top ten single of the same name, with Olivia being honored by the Academy Of Country Music as Most Promising Female Vocalist and a Grammy Award as Best Country Vocalist.
In the 90’s, Newton-John successfully overcame her own battle with breast cancer, which inspired her self-penned and produced album, GAIA, her most personal album reflecting upon her experiences with cancer. She used her experiences to spread more awareness of the importance of early breast cancer detection.
For more information on Zamu, visit: www.zamudrink.us.
Grocery coupons on Web offer discounts online and in stores
Dear Kim: Like everyone these days, I need to save money. Can you tell me the best place to find coupons on the Internet? I am specifically looking for grocery coupons.Answer: Coupons have always been the way to save at the grocery store. You can find coupons for almost anything online. That includes grocery stores. You can find a bunch of coupon sources at www.komando.com/news. These include Valpak.com, SmartSource, Coupons.com and Coupon Mountain. Some provide printable coupons you bring to the store. Others offer promotional codes for online transactions.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Salvia Plant
5 great plants for the Charlotte area

Perennials and hardy annuals are the backbone of many great gardens. They require little pampering once they have become established, bloom profusely in their season, the quietly recede to allow the next plants to shine.
Charlotte is a great place to grow flowering plants, but some are better suited for the hot, dry summer than others. By selecting carefully you can give your garden the extra boost of easy care plants that will return and bloom beautifully year after year.
Tall Bearded Iris: For large blooms that can take direct sun and dry conditions, Tall Bearded Iris are a great choice. Also called German Iris, Tall Bearded Iris do not like to have their roots wet and will rot if they sit in moist soil. Once they become established, each individual root will spread, growing into another hearlthy plant. They are great "pass along" plants, easy to divide and replant. When you plant iris, do not plant the rhysome in the ground like a bulb. Plant the rhysome at ground level, with the roots in the soil but the top of the rhysome above the soil. Iris are available in a wide variety of colors, ranging from purple to pink to deep blue.
Ice Plant: This perennial has thick, succulent leaves that store water, enabling the plant to survive drought and come back blooming. After a good rain, the light green plant will bloom profusely with bright pink flowers. This is a great choice to use in planters that are placed in sunny locations. With the occassional watering, the plant will continue to stay green. The plant will survive the winter in Charlotte, then start blooming again when the weather starts to warm up. Provide lots of good drainage as this plant will rot in wet soil.
Perennial Verbena: Some Verbena varieties are annuals while other are perennials, so check the label when you are buying to determine which variety you are purchasing. Perennial Verbena, such as "Homestead", are great plants for quickly covering soil, but can also become a nuisance. Verbena is a ground cover that spreads quickly, blooming profusely in the spring and fall. It will also bloom after a good rain in the summer. The branches root into the ground as the plant spreads, creating new plants. Allow several feet in all directions for growth.
Lavender Provence: This beautiful, fragrant herb is a wonderful addition to your vegetable bed or flower bed. Spreading to a bushy three foot high by four foot wide plant that is covered with blooms starting in early summer. The flowers and the leaves can be dried to use as fragrant wreaths or as ingredients in soaps and cosmetics. This lavender prefers good drainage and amended soil. It benefits from being cut back in winter.
Black and Blue Salvia: This variety of salvia is an annual, but can take Charlotte winters and come back strong. While it is not perennial, it will return year after year and grow larger each year. The leaves are fragrant, and the blooms are a beautiful blue. Plant this annual in well drained soil that is in partial shade, or has shade on the roots. The plants will grow to be around 3 feet tall, and will bloom profusely in the summer.
Try these five plants in your garden. Next week, we'll look at 5 great flowering bushes that do well in Charlotte.
Obama meets with Queen Elizabeth
Obama Gives Queen Elizabeth II an iPod
Call him a digital man in an analog world.
During a private meeting today with Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip at Buckingham Palace, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama exchanged gifts. According to the BBC, Obama gave the Queen an iPod, containing footage of her state visit to the United States in May 2007. In return, the Queen gave the president a silver-framed photograph of herself and her husband. It's the official picture she gives all visiting dignitaries.
President Obama's 21st-century gift is a reinforcement of his love for technology; he did launch the most tech-savvy presidential campaign in history and admits he has a BlackBerry addiction. On the President's first day in the White House, members of his administration grappled with outdated technology, such as old computer software and a shortage of laptops. More recently, The White House's Web site made itself available for Internet-submitted questions for Obama's online town hall meeting--a virtual fireside chat.
Tonight the Queen will host a reception in honor of Mr. Obama and other world leaders. Obama is in London to take part of the G20 summit to discuss the global economy.